Gents Dining Club 2 of 2

2. A full history of the GDC

The first meeting of the Gentlemen’s Dining Club took place on Wednesday, 26 August, 1982 in Greenside Lodge. Attending that evening were Jock Anderson, Andrew Carson*, Peter Chalmers, Michael Dawson, Archie Eadie*, Stan Gemmill*,Ray Megson, Gordon Murray, Malcolm Peyrebrune*, Stewart Robertson*, John Shearer*, Sandy Watson* and Lindsay Wilson.

The club was going through a tricky period at the time, but after a successful evening it was decided that meetings would continue, to be held on the last Wednesday of each month. Ray Megson suggested that non-attendees be fined the price of the meal for non-attendance.
NB Those asterisked are now deceased.

Since then, dinners have taken place on a regular basis.

The highlight of the year is always the carol singing evening just before Christmas when, complete with conductor, song sheets and musical accompaniment, the diners attempt to raise the roof with a lusty rendition of carols old and new. A record attendance of eighty six was recorded in December 2011.

Other highlights have included the evening the Water of Leith flooded Murrayfield Stadium and we had to leave the Clubhouse on a series of stepping stone beer crates!!

Food intake has increased dramatically since Gavin took over the catering. A carvery night needs at least a week’s fasting prior to the event. The usual cost of a meal is £15-20 and we defy anyone to find better value for money anywhere in the UK, excepting perhaps the Houses of Parliament!

The list of fines imposed on members has been expanded over the years and income from this source plus a monthly raffle has meant that the Dining Club has been able to support the Club in a variety of ways, even although fundraising is not the main function of the Dining Club.
The china and crockery, cutlery, cookers, tables and chairs in the old Murrayfield Clubhouse were all paid for by the Dining Club. Other donations include match balls, programme advertising, youth tours and insulated suits for the ladies team substitutes.

We also funded a fitness room in the Murrayfield complex but very few of the gentlemen tried it out!

We don’t want to boast about these donations but we do want to let everyone know that we are not a bunch of old farts from a bygone age. We meet in a spirit of friendship and optimism for the future of Murrayfield Wanderers. Many of the original members are no longer with us and we need to inject some fresh blood before the rest of us fall off the perch. So new diners are always welcome. We are always delighted to see you and as many guests as you want to bring along. You may need some loose change in case you look at the Chairman in a funny way or make a mobile ‘phone call.

We look forward to welcoming you on the last Wednesday of each month